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Active Full

Persons in the class of Active Full may carry out non-surgical intra-oral procedures to make, repair, reline, replace, or furnish complete dentures; reline, replace missing teeth, or make repairs to partial dentures and overdentures; and in accordance with a prescription, make or furnish partial dentures and overdentures.

See Active Full Registrants



Limited registrants are granted with limited registration if certain conditions and requirements are satisfied with respect to the application of the college.

See Limited Registrants


Active B

Persons in the class of Active B may carry out non-surgical intra-oral procedures to make, repair, reline, replace, or furnish complete dentures and replace teeth, or make repairs to partial dentures and overdentures.

See Active B Registrants



Temporary registrants are registrants with good standing, granted to practise denturism if certain conditions and requirements are met with respect to the application of the college.

See Temporary Registrants


Non Practicing

A person must be registered as a non-practicing registrant if the person is currently an active registrant, and receipt by the registrar of a signed application for non-practising registration in Form 6, the fee specified in Schedule C for change in registration status from active registrant to non-practising registrant, any other outstanding fine, fee, debt or levy owed to the college, and a statutory declaration that the applicant will not provide denturism services in British Columbia while registered under this section.

See Non Practicing Registrants



An intern registrant may only perform the services of a practitioner when they are performed under the general supervision of a practitioner, and may only perform intraoral services of a practitioner under the direct supervision of a practitioner.

See Intern Registrants



A registrant who has been struck from the College's register must not engage in the practice of denturism or hold himself or herself out as a registrant, must not hold office in the college, must remove the his or her name and any sign relating to the their practice from any premises where they practised denturism, and any building in which any such premises were located, and must immediately surrender to the registrar their certificate of registration.

See Struck Registrants